CIMA of PA Gatherings Graphic

Radio Massacre International

Live at

The Gatherings Concert Series

Saturday 18 May 2013 8:00pm

St. Mary's Hamilton Village
3916 Locust Walk in Philadelphia, PA

Radio Massacre International

Radio Massacre International

Radio Massacre International

Radio Massacre International

Radio Massacre International

Radio Massacre International

Radio Massacre International

Radio Massacre International

Radio Massacre International

Radio Massacre International

Radio Massacre International

Radio Massacre International

Radio Massacre International

Radio Massacre International

Radio Massacre International

Radio Massacre International (Gary Houghton)

Radio Massacre International

Radio Massacre International

Radio Massacre International

Radio Massacre International

Steve Dinsdale Steve Dinsdale Steve Dinsdale

Steve Dinsdale

Duncan Goddard

Duncan Goddard

Gary Houghton Gary Houghton Gary Houghton

Gary Houghton

Radio Massacre International

Radio Massacre International

Gary & Duncan

Gary Houghton & Duncan Goddard

Radio Massacre International

Radio Massacre International

Radio Massacre International

Radio Massacre International

Radio Massacre International

Radio Massacre International

Radio Massacre International

Radio Massacre International

Radio Massacre International

Radio Massacre International

Duncan Goddard

Duncan Goddard

Steve Dinsdale

Steve Dinsdale

Gary Houghton Duncan Goddard Steve Dinsdale

Radio Massacre International

Radio Massacre International Steve Dinsdale

: :

Concert Photos by Chuck Nixon

CIMA of PA CIMA of PA - The Corporation for Innovative Music and Arts of Pennsylvania

Radio Massacre International at The Gatherings Concert Series on 18 May 2013 is funded by CIMA of PA (The Corporation for Innovative Music and Arts of Pennsylvania), the all-volunteer, non-profit organization responsible for organizing and producing The Gatherings Concert Series. The basic mission of CIMA of PA is to bring innovative music concerts to the public and further the advancement of this artform.

For more about CIMA of PA, please access the Mission Statement

Cuneiform Cuneiform Records - Progressive Music

Radio Massacre International live at The Gatherings Concert Series on 18 May 2013 is supported in part by Cuneiform Records. An independent record label out of Silver Spring, MD Cuneiform releases CDs of Progressive, Avant and Electronic Music; including Emissaries, Rain Falls in Grey and Time & Motion by Radio Massacre International.

For more about Cuneiform Records, please access:

For more about Radio Massacre International, please access the:

The Gatherings Concert Series is presented by the all-volunteer staff of The Corporation for Innovative Music and Arts of Pennsylvania