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SpacecraftandGiles ReavesLive atThe GatheringSaturday, May 19th, 2001St. Mary's Hamilton VillagePhiladelphia, PA |
![]() Dierdre and Giles Reaves .
Giles Reaves .
Dierdre and Giles Reaves .
Spacecraft .
Spacecraft . |
Review: The Gathering with Spacecraft and Giles Revaes (the unknowable)
More moments to live for... Spacecraft returned to Philadelphia for a second Gathering performance, which is cause enough for celebration. But this time around, Giles Reaves would be performing as well, both as a member of Spacecraft and, during the opening set, with only his lovely wife, Dierdra. Reaves' 1986 'Wunjo' (sadly out-of-print) [re-issued as "Joy" -ed.] was the second spacemusic CD I had ever purchased, way back when. His music, as much as any other, succeeded in drawing me in. The final piece from 'Wunjo' to this day affects me profoundly. It's called 'Odin', or 'The Unknowable'. Tonight's show opened with this piece. I don't usually walk up to the stage after a Gathering. I'm a quick exit type of guy. Tonight would prove otherwise. I felt compelled to shake Giles' hand and to tell him that I had never heard a Gathering start so beautifully. Giles thanked me, before saying that until this night he had never performed 'Odin' for a live audience. One might wonder why he waited so long. The interplay onstage between Giles and his wife was a revelation. Oh, the eye contact, soul mates revealed...and a musical connectedness like I've never heard before. She softly singing, watching him, magically stroking her wind chimes. He softly creating on his synthesizer, while watching her, those sublimely shifting chords. Kaleidescope-like images were projected on a stage screen behind the pair. Late evening light beamed through St. Mary's stained glass windows. So dreamlike. I imagine this opening set lasted only a half hour or so. But that's okay. So vivid are the music and imagery in my mind...I will hear and see this set forever. The night was only half over. John Rose, Tony Gerber and Diane Timmons would join Giles on stage and Spacecraft's return became official. The group performed one extended set which offered a wide variety of styles and moods. This set was in a mode of constant transition and exploration. Fun stuff. Tony shifted numerous times from guitar to synthesizer. Diane's luscious voice drifted in and out of the flow. John, at one point, sounded as if he had wandered over to St. Mary's pipe organ (hey, now there's an idea!). At this particular point, Spacecraft's set reached a focused climax and the interplay between the group become most apparent. It should be mentioned here that Spacecraft does indeed 'perform' live; a benefit no doubt realized from its strength in numbers... that being four very talented musicians. Most of what we were experiencing tonight was quite live. And most wonderfully so. Walking offstage after thanking Mr. Reaves tonight, he tossed in some departing words. Words that hit home. "You people have something so wonderful going on here." Thanks to musicians like you, Giles. And to all the others who have come. And to those that shall. And to Chuck and Jeff. And to all those other people who sit on those hard pews (I'm buying a pillow before next season) and soak it all in. See you all next fall.
by soma611 Review : Re: the unknowable Get a comfortable chair or crash pad and pillow and join the folks in the front row! I don't know if being physically closer to the musicians has any bearing on the matter, but emotionally it seems to make a connection to the musicians that's stronger than sitting in the tenth row of pews. Of course, being so close to the stage and so far below the height of the speakers ruins any chance of hearing the stereo sound stage in proper perspective. But when magic is woven by the likes of Spacecraft, not much else in the multiverse (this universe and all others combined) matters! Besides, I get to hear a little more of the acoustic instruments' direct sound, letting the processing float around St. Mary's a little bit before washing over me. A little bit closer to the musicians' perspective. by Bill Fox As Posted to The Spacelist: Mon 21 May 2001 |
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All Photos By Bill Forcier